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Is an M.Arch Necessary for Fashion Set Design?

Hi all,

I’m in a position where I know what future I see for myself, but I’m not sure if training in Architecture is the best way to achieve it; if anyone has had a similar route or background and could provide input I’d be greatly appreciative.

I graduated last year with a BFA from UBC, and am specifically looking to work in designing the sets and scenography for high fashion runways and spaces. I understand that this sounds rather niche, but there are a number of production companies (mostly based out of Paris) that specialise in this, e.g. Bureau Betak, Villa Eugénie.

A quick look through their LinkedIn pages revealed that roughly 50% of these companies’ creative staff hold M.Arch’s, and the remainder have masters in interior design, interior ‘architecture,’ and scenography. After receiving a BFA and humbly realising the lack of direct opportunities the credential affords, I’m hesitant to pursue more arts education if it won’t have the employment outcome I’m looking for. Whilst I realise that an M.Arch doesn’t automatically guarantee better opportunities, I imagine my options may be broader should the set design goal not pan out. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

In addition, I’d prefer to study in Europe, where I’d ideally be working post-grad. I realise as I only have a BFA that this cuts down the M.Arch options to nil, which is where my main question comes in.

Would it be more worthwhile to remain at UBC for 3 years to receive the M.Arch, then relocate to Europe? Or is it best to take a related Arts/unaccredited masters in Europe and establish connections and experience there early?

The below are European programs I’m considering:

– ELISAVA – Masters in Ephemeral Architecture and Temporary Spaces

– ELISAVA – Masters in Interior Design

– IAAC – Masters in Advanced Architecture

– IED – Masters in Interior Design

– UAL – MA Interior and Spatial Design

Thank you in advance for any thoughts or advice you can provide.

Oct 23, 23 7:12 pm