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Our fashion evolution: The Cambridge effect

From victims of microtrends to sustainable queens

As much as it pains us to admit, we used to rock the leggings and shorts combo back in the day. Since then, our fashion tastes have (thankfully) changed. We thought we would rate a few of our old outfits, looking back at which have stood the test of time, and what we do differently now.

Regret #1: Ripped jeans

Kirsty: Maybe my gran had a point when she unironically offered to sew these up for me. Just horrific: 3/10.

Sophie: This image gives me flashbacks to shoving my foot through the rip when trying to get dressed. It’s a no: 4/10.

Regret #2: Argyle jumpers

Kirsty: Can we be so fr right now… was it collective hysteria? Why did we think these looked good? Fast fashion x librarian will never be a winning combo: 2/10.

Sophie: If this was specifically the Grandpa vests then yes 1/10, but honestly Kirsty I think you’re being a bit harsh on the librarian core: 4/10.

Regret #3: Cargos

Kirsty: Has enough time now passed? Can we finally admit cargos are not it? The top half of this outfit slayed though so for that I’ll give it a 6.5/10.

Sophie: I’m not ready to move on from cargos just yet. Women finally get pockets and now you want to get rid of them again??? Kirsty let me live: 8/10.

Regret #4: This swirly pattern

Sophie: Look, I actually still think I kind of ate. HOWEVER, the swirly pattern went out of fashion two months after this picture and I have never worn this again. RIP swirly dress, you are missed xx 5/10.

Kirsty: This pattern is up there with cow-print in terms of short-lived, uber-popular microtrends: 4/10.

Regret #5: This whole outfit

had to blur the faces because embarrassment levels are too high xx

Sophie: The rolled up (???), red (???) skinny jeans, paired with the Primark belt and the aggressively ruched top. There is simply nothing positive to say here. Fashion police, arrest me: -1000/10.

Kirsty: Major 2018 core. This is the outfit of someone who would order a frapuccino at Starbucks: 4/10.

Non-regret #1: Crocs

Sophie: Love them or hate them, crocs are here to stay. They may come in and out of fashion, but I will always love them in my heart x An absolute 10/10.

Kirsty: The practicality of them cannot be overstated. Honestly, Soph, you were slaying as a ten year-old: 10/10.

Non-regret #2: A good pair of jeans

Kirsty: Alas, I have yet to find a pair of jeans that perfectly fit me, but I can imagine the tears of pure joy pouring down my face when that day finally comes: 15/10.

Sophie: Not overly baggy, and not cutting off my blood circulation …have I found the perfect jeans? I splashed out on this pair of Levis and I will be buried in them: 12/10.

Non-regret #3: Leather jacket

Kirsty: A classic for a reason, no notes: 9/10.

Sophie: Dreaming of the day I thrift the perfect leather jacket: 9.5/10.

Non-regret #4: Funky belts

Kirsty: Ok, ok, I will admit that funky belts are very trendy right now and I might look back on them with horror. But for now, let me enjoy my fun belts in peace: 8/10.

Sophie: Kirsty, I back you – it’s a fun way to mix up the outfits without buying a new wardrobe. Sustainable Queen: 9/10.

Final reflections:

Sophie: As much as it pains me to look back on, I am glad that I used my formative years to figure out what I like to wear. Now I spend more money investing in basics, shopping second-hand and waiting a few weeks before I buy something.

Kirsty: Cannot emphasise enough how much better I started dressing once I ditched fast fashion for vintage. It’s a canon event in every twenty-something girl’s life.

Cambridge is an amazing place for second-hand fashion with plenty of vintage shops, charity shops, and pop-up events. In fact, Glass Onion is hosting a pop-up event in Cambridge on Saturday 4th of November, with amazing vintage clothes (more info here).

For more regular vintage shopping, charity shops in Grafton and Mill Road will usually have some steals, and Depop, Ebay and Vinted are your best friends.

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